making ends meet

making ends meet, Art
making ends meet

Art    14 x 11 x 1    $2,000.00   

Artist Statement
My art is about disclosure, about expressing a psychic situation with the highest possible fidelity. I want to tell my truth, no matter what, and by whatever means necessary — with just one caveat: I want to tell it without using any of my own words . . .   It begins with an intention, question, or curiosity which ultimately draws me into the magazines, or what I commonly refer to as my archetypal dictionaries or my visual vocabulary.  Almost out of the corner of my eye, the resonant images, symbols, and metaphors are illuminated through an idiosyncratic process, which is part divination, part associative psychology, and part serendipity, until the visual narrative is complete. I then allow the image before me to become constellated within me before moving onto the intuitive addition of both text and context. Carl Jung’s “Memories, Dreams, Reflections'' serves as my most frequently consulted texts and is the basis for this series entitled “Memories, Dreams, Recontextualizations.”


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