Drawing Details of "Creative Capacity"

Drawing Details of "Creative Capacity", Art
Drawing Details of "Creative Capacity"

Art    20 x 14 x 2    $500.00   

Artist Statement
As an artist and high school art teacher I am interested on how humans develop abilities for creative expression. Visual depictions that capture the biological and brain-based mechanisms that help us process thought take inspiration from Leonardo da Vinci's studies of human physiology and imagery from electron microscopes. The artwork I've submitted to Mind Mapping represents my attempts to explore how our minds work when engaged in creative activity, as I am each time I enter my art studio, and as my students are when I see them connecting with artistic production in our classroom studios. I know there are wonderful mysteries at work, and I sense that our understanding of how we nurture creative capacity in ourselves is at a nascent stage. These two oil paintings and the drawings accompanying each that map sections of the paintings, are part of "Studies in Human Creative Capacities", an ongoing series that helps me pose my own questions and theories about our creative minds.


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