Red Storm

Red Storm, Art
Red Storm

Art    12.5 x 22    $425.00   

Artist Statement
I believe that art should take you somewhere; take you to an imaginary place or time that doesn’t exist. I want my work to make your imagination start revving and searching for a time or place that only appears in your mind when you view my images.

I travel quite a bit and many of my journeys have been documented in my work. Looking at my body of work, one can see that I am drawn to faces, doors, windows, and walls in the places I visit. I prefer to be non-specific in my choices of photographic themes; therefore, my selection of subject matter tends to be quite eclectic. Saturated, bright colors and detailed subject matter are evident in all my color works.

My images can either be “gritty” in texture, with deep shadows and subdued highlights, or have bright, saturated colors with vibrant highlights and dynamic shadows. I use everything in my post-processing quiver to give my work a certain mystery and beauty that makes the viewer mull over my reasons for making the photograph.


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