Deep Thought

Deep Thought, Art
Deep Thought

Art    24 x 19 x 1    $800.00   

Artist Statement
I strive to capture the sensuality and joy of being alive in my art. Both living and extinct animals have captivated me for as long as I can remember. One of the first videos of myself as a child involved me fingerpainting jellyfish on a tiny easel in the kitchen—to be fair, not much has changed. My work strives to explore the concept of how other species experience their lives through the use of fluid, abstract patterns paired with realistic depictions of those animals. In the piece “Deep Thought,” the fusion of the Pelagia jellyfish with the human brain and brainstem highlights the juxtaposition of animal and human modes of experience and thought. The jellyfish possesses one of most primitive nervous systems found in nature, with no central brain, whereas humans possess one of the most complex brains known.


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